




Ver Sirona Online HD Gratis

Ver Sirona Online: Deep in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, a government blacksite going by the name Valkyrie, conducts their twisted human experiments trying to push the boundaries of human evolution. Their operation becomes compromised when experiment #030, a.k.a. Sirona, escapes. In a desperate attempt to maintain their secret, Valkyrie hires a group of mercenaries led by Allen Cross to hunt down Sirona and capture her, whatever the cost. Upon finding Sirona, Cross is forced into a no win scenario, do the right thing or follow orders, both of which lead to dire consequences.

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Género: Ciencia ficción

Actores: Ashlynn HidemanWesley ClarkBen JohnsonSarah KlarenShale Le PageJeremy CalcoteJeremy CalcoteWesley Clark